10 Tips For Making a Highly Impactful Whiteboard animation

According to stats, 93 percent of marketers asserted that they could convert a lead on social media through the use of videos. Furthermore, videos drove a whopping 157% increase in visitors from the search engine page results. HubSpot called attention to the fact that video has now overtaken the position of blogs and infographics and […]

How Long Does It Take To Create a 5-Minute Animation Video

So, you’re interested in producing an animation video for your company, but you’ve heard they take oh so long and are expensive to produce. You haven’t heard wrong. However, it isn’t so simple! I could go the typical, annoying way and tell you, “it depends” or I could just spin you in circles and stop […]

Top 7 Types Of Explainer Video Examples For Businesses

  Have you ever had breakfast for dinner, or dinner for breakfast? You probably have, and it’s fun, right? Sadly, this is not the case with explainer videos. You cannot mix and match types of explainer videos with different purposes. Different types exist because of this reason! There is no one goal or purpose of […]

What Makes an Explainer Video Go Viral?

explainer video

Whether you are a small business owner or have a well-established business, explainer videos can do wonders with the products and services that you offer. Why? Because such videos can go viral on different social media platforms by attracting not just the target audience but the population as a whole. It makes top explainer video […]

Top Video Marketing Stats for 2022

video marketing

If video animation is in the future, then it has arrived. If you’ve been wondering whether it’s worth investing in video animation for your business, you’ve come to the right place. Do you have the necessary resources to produce videos? Are there a sufficient number of people in your target audience who are interested in […]

How EXPLAINER VIDEO GUIDE Made Me A No.1 Salesperson

Explainer videos have all the hype of engaging customers and helping them know the products better, but what good do they do to a salesperson? If you ask a guy at Video Explainers, you’ll know that the Explainer Video Guide has done wonders in selling and getting a command of the knowledge.  Imagine being on […]

How Explainer Videos Can Help Educational Institutes

  Tired of giving the same lectures on loudspeakers and blackboards and still none of your students seem to be interested in what you are teaching. Working your nights out for the assignments and still, the teachers say that you need to work harder to get good grades? Do your orientations, convocations, and other educational […]

Video Explainers Adds Another 5-Star Review to Clutch Profile

  In the past 10 years, we have worked with the best and most unique clients to help us learn everything there is to know about the explainer video industry. We offer custom art with unlimited revisions to help tell your company’s story the best we can. Focusing on one service allows us to have […]

Create The Best Product Launch Video

Whether you’re selling a product or a service, the ubiquitous product video can either make or break your potential customers. Including video on your website has been shown to increase conversions by approximately 80%. A truly great product video both informs and inspires viewers to pay attention to you (and to open their wallets). Here […]

7 Video Production Questions Every Marketer Should Ask

Video marketing is one of the most effective tools available to businesses for promoting their products and services. It is claimed that 54% of consumers prefer videos over text and images, and 43 percent believe the information presented through video is more memorable than other types of marketing. However, making videos that accurately capture your […]