How To Make Fortune on YouTube Via Explainer Videos (Kurzgesagt)

Introduction Have you ever thought about what would happen if you had a black hole in your pocket? Well, Kurzgesagt has and they even have the answer! Spoiler alert: You’ll die.  Created in 2013 as a personal project by Philipp Dettmer, Kurzgesagt has amassed over 11 million subscribers, almost 1 billion views, and over 13000 […]

How To Storyboard An Explainer Video

Is your target audience perplexed about what your product does? That’s a critical issue to address because it could prevent all of your hard work from having a meaningful impact. People won’t buy what they don’t understand, after all. The first stage in any explainer video is the script. The script contains the words that […]


“A picture is worth a thousand words…….and a video is worth a million pictures…..”― Ankara Subbarao Struggling with sales?  Try whiteboard animation videos! Undoubtedly, video marketing is spreading like a drop of ink in water. But are all videos successful? No, certain formats help you swim in the ocean of big fish. Whiteboard animation video […]

What We Can Learn From Explainer Videos?

explainer video

Every second, hundreds of animated explainer videos are uploaded to the internet. However, many of those videos are useless. One thing we can’t deny is that the demand for videos is increasing. According to Cisco, by 2022, online videos will account for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic, a figure that is 15 […]