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explainer video

Every second, hundreds of animated explainer videos are uploaded to the internet. However, many of those videos are useless. One thing we can’t deny is that the demand for videos is increasing. According to Cisco, by 2022, online videos will account for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic, a figure that is 15 […]

Explainer Video

“A picture is worth a thousand words…….and a video is worth a million pictures…..”― Ankara Subbarao Struggling with sales?  Try whiteboard animation videos! Undoubtedly, video marketing is spreading like a drop of ink in water. But are all videos successful? No, certain formats help you swim in the ocean of big fish. Whiteboard animation video […]

Custom explainer videos

Is your target audience perplexed about what your product does? That’s a critical issue to address because it could prevent all of your hard work from having a meaningful impact. People won’t buy what they don’t understand, after all. The first stage in any explainer video is the script. The script contains the words that […]

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video explainer

Video Explainers Incorporated in 2006 and based in New York, Video Explainers is a Result-Oriented, 5-Star Rated Animated Video Production Agency. Its motto is explaining idea’s into animated reality through the medium of “The Visual Language.”  The professionals create animated explainer videos that explain the business, ideas, and services in a fun and engaging way. […]

Animation is one of the most renowned art forms with a powerful influence on a business marketing strategies. That is why, these days, brands widely use animation to communicate with the target audience. And let’s admit that professional animation is not a piece of cake for everyone. And to be on the safer side, brands […]

About Moussally LTD Moussally LTD launched a mobile app Wasel’s Gift for people with an age range 18-40. The whole idea behind the app and the product development was to help people send gifts internationally through an app. “The result was superb – a well designed and animated video that concisely explains the Wasel’s Gift […]

An explainer video is an exclusive tool used for branding and communication. It involves a whole set of descriptions of a product/service with its features and every detail a company wants to communicate to its customers. A whiteboard explainer video cannot be successful without a good explainer video script. Even though you have the best […]

Let’s get straight to the point. You’ve got a video. I am sure you must have read enough about explainer videos and that is why you produced one for your business. You must have understood some of the explainer video uses and benefits, such as how it is effective in communicating the product message and […]

  If you have been following my blogs, then you must have observed that I usually explore “How video”: Increases the customers’ understanding level Impacts buying behavior Influences customers’ minds Increases landing page conversion rates Increases brand awareness But today, I am not going to talk about the business benefits you get from the video. […]