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explainer video

Every second, hundreds of animated explainer videos are uploaded to the internet. However, many of those videos are useless. One thing we can’t deny is that the demand for videos is increasing. According to Cisco, by 2022, online videos will account for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic, a figure that is 15 […]

Explainer Video

“A picture is worth a thousand words…….and a video is worth a million pictures…..”― Ankara Subbarao Struggling with sales?  Try whiteboard animation videos! Undoubtedly, video marketing is spreading like a drop of ink in water. But are all videos successful? No, certain formats help you swim in the ocean of big fish. Whiteboard animation video […]

Custom explainer videos

Is your target audience perplexed about what your product does? That’s a critical issue to address because it could prevent all of your hard work from having a meaningful impact. People won’t buy what they don’t understand, after all. The first stage in any explainer video is the script. The script contains the words that […]

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Video marketing has changed a lot since it was first introduced. One of the major differences being how marketers have slowly become accustomed to video marketing, and now even swearing by it! Video has become an indispensable tool in marketing and is being widely used across all social media platforms and marketing strategies in general. […]

People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic. In this busy world, if you are trying to make good relations with consumers, grow engagement, tell stories, and create magic for your brand. You must add simple animated explainer videos to your marketing strategy. There is no denying that consumers are […]

Explainer videos are the perfect marketing tool for the small scale or even for the startup businesses in the current digital era. In today’s competitive market, maintaining a strong online presence gives a much higher opportunity to spread the brand’s visibility than ten years back. It, in turn, has made explainer video production companies significant […]

explainer video

When it comes to finding an explainer video company such as video explainers, the possibilities are endless. The main question every customer asks, in the end, is, how much do they cost? Well, the prices range from $150 to $50,000. So, how would you know how much to spend and whether or not your investment […]

Healthcare explainer videos in today’s world where physicians and professionals in the healthcare explainer video industry are largely rated on their patient satisfaction scores, it is critical that they ensure their patients and clients are well-informed and educated regarding their treatments and procedures. How Can Healthcare Organizations Use Explainer Videos? Because animated videos are such […]