
In Holland, finding a room, apartment or house to rent can feel like a full-time job. Listings are crowded and inefficient. Once you think you find what you are looking for, you find out, you’re not alone. You have to keep checking online several times a day just to try and keep up. And when […]

Cheap Cheap Club- Online Shopping Store

Shopping smart saves consumers more & more money every day in the modern world, giving us more financial freedom. With the internet, companies, & consumers all tied together worldwide, competitive prices have never cheaper if you are using the right tools. Our expert technicians at Cheap Cheap are highly trained professionals that will seek out […]

Halla Doctor-Medical Clinics

A group of medical clinics equipped with cutting-edge technology in addition to a number of qualified specialists, and an emergency center operating around the clock. The center also offers, in addition to the services of the varied clinics, medical programs most notably the pregnancy program, the men’s health program, and the physical exam program. It […]

Fitmetrix- Health and Fitness

Getting NEW Members Reengage existing members So… How CAN YOU Solve BOTH These Problems? With ONE Solution? FitMetrix FitMetrix is a Cutting Edge Software Platform created just for Gym & Studio Owners FitMetrex Helps YOU Provide EVERYONE  in Your Facility the ability to TRACK PERFORMANCE of ANY Exercise Activity Heart Rate Calories Expended Speed Power Exerted Distance […]

Monkey Business- Merchant Processing

Not so long ago, selling merchant processing was a biiiiit different. ME MR. MONKEY! YOU TAKE CREDIT CARDS?! The way things were done were, how shall we say, more primitive. “ME SELL YOU THIS SO NOW YOU TAKE CARDS!” Times were different… as most businesses needed to accept credit cards. The streets were literally paved […]

Shopping Sherlock – Best Deals Online

Meet the Jones They are a typical family that enjoy the good things in life. They love shopping, going out, and doing other activities. But with everything going on in their lives they don’t get much spare time and money is always an issue. Sally often thinks about going on a spa day, Mike always […]

Discount Caddy – Golf Caddy Discounts

Discount Caddy – Golf Caddy Discounts Marketing Overview DiscountCaddy.com has revolutionized the way that golf courses advertise and build a customer base by introducing a “Risk Free” marketing solution that leverages the power of discounts, collective buying, and social media marketing. Here’s the concept: Each week, Discount Caddy – Golf Caddy Discounts features two amazing […]