WEDG Cloud Computing

The modern world is full of contradictions. On one hand, the internet has given us the ability to email, collaborate, store and share precious files online using cloud technology. And yet, it seems at the same time, we face unprecedented threats to our privacy and security. Studies show that nearly 90 percent of us are […]

PagePusher – eBook Publisher

Write your book and upload a two-page pusher with no up-front costs using the page. Buschur helping you sell more books  this is willing and he’s written a great book but even though William s emailed everyone he knows only six people have read his book and despite it being listed for only Ninety-nine cents […]

Du Emirates Telecommunications Company

The duo team were stock their CEO Conference had been a great success for years but they’d hit a plateau they were doing things the same venue  same event organizer same invitation process they needed to take things to the next level. What could they do  they needed an event to disrupt the market and […]

Smalliebird Mobile Game

Hi.I’m Smalliebird. I was sick of being bullied. So I left! Now I’m on a crazy flying adventure around the world, searching for a new home. From hot Egyptian deserts to the bright Vegas lights, from China to freezing Antarctica, from ancient Rome to the mountains of  himalaya, from beautiful tropical islands to the incredible […]

MyfxBuddy Forex Trading

Video Script If you’re an investor, it’s thrilling when you make money on a good trade, but you’re always worrying about losses on a bad trade. Wouldn’t it be great to steadily make a small profit, always growing your wealth while experiencing less risk? Well, that’s no dream, it’s reality with my FXbuddy! MyfxBuddy Forex Trading is […]

DPWorld Marine Terminal Operator

In a world of limited resources and increasing demand, It’s time for the change. We all need to work together to meet the challenges of the future, both social and environmental, and to respond to ever-changing choices. Business and society need to pull together to create change.  One cannot be successful without the other. Business […]

Mini Redeems

Mini Redeems Mini Redeems is a fabulous idea where you can redeem whatever you like such as bear, cold drink, burger and many more,but it depends on the points you score. Mini Redeems used several creative and unique animated themes to make this brilliant idea easily understandable fro audience. Mini Redeems also used dialogue boxes in start of […]