Oceanbound Entertainment

Ocean bound take your Music Career around the World. It provides access to careers like orchestra musicians, solo pianists, cover bands, solo pianists, solo guitarists, one-man bands, Caribbean bands and classical string ensembles, as well as jugglers, magicians, singers, instrumentalists and comedians. The organization believes that cruise line industry is really exciting and promising. Thus […]

Wedding Bound Wedding Planner

Meet Katie. Katie just got engaged and like most bride-to-be Katie doesn’t know where to start to plan her dream wedding.  She clicks through online directories looking for suppliers, and after numerous phone calls and emails back and forth, only to find most of them are either unavailable, overpriced; or just isn’t what she’s looking […]

Anne Morrissey Style Consulting

Meet Linda, She has been trying to get that pulled together look for a long time now. But try as she might, she ends up wearing her same old boring predictable stuff instead. Somehow, no matter what she buys, she doesn’t feel like she is getting it right.She even tried copying the mannequins exactly, but […]

Veloxity-Real time Contextual Offer

Data plans on mobile devices can turn out really expensive if they’re not personalized to your needs and context That’s where Veloxity steps in! We offer “Real Time Contextual Offers” for your mobile internet connection! Meet David, a big sports fan. He decides to watch a game of basketball, while enjoying his coffee. As the […]