One Water

Water’s journey begins at the rivers, Oceans and Seas. As the sun flares into the sky, the water begins to heat. Causing Clouds of steam to rise into the air. Billowing masses of silver water vapor. Icy winds, travelling through the air, make gentle contact. and Beads of water start to condense. This creates cool […]

Microsoft Windows

Small business execs have to be everyone’s hero. They wear many hats and log many miles. No superpower can reclaim hours lost in the past. But what if the features of Windows 10 Pro could save countless critical hours in the future? Take inscription never mind the cost just consider the hours lost with data […]

Katalyst Voin

Money is used as an instrument for recording and rewarding. When you buy a cup of coffee with a five dollar bill, the five dollar bill serves as a record and also reward to the cafe for the coffee. You can use the same five dollar bill to tip the waitress for good service. This […]

Fuel Swipe

It was 1919… George the 5th was our King in 1919. That was nearly a 100 years ago. If King George had wanted to fill up with fuel, he would’ve done the same thing as you… gone to the petrol station, because 1919 was also the year that the first British petrol station opened. 1919 […]


Client details: HSBC Type: Video Style: Vector Art Duration: 120 Sec Arnold needs some widgets, so he searches on the internet and calls up several suppliers. He agrees a price with a Supplier who sends Arnold an invoice with 30 day payment terms. Meanwhile, Lucille orders her widgets through HSBC’s procurement system. Depending on region, this may be Fusion […]