Large attachments can be a pain in your email account. They fill up your quota, are hard to find, and take a while to download and forward, especially on mobile devices.
Sane Box Email Management Tool fixes this problem by automatically placing your attachments on Dropbox and adding a link to those files in the email itself.
You can forward the email as you normally would, or just send someone the link. Here’s how it works. First link your account to Dropbox by clicking on the Dropbox icon on your Sanebox Settings page. Click the “Save to Dropbox” checkbox to start saving your attachments to Dropbox. If you check “Remove Attachments”, we will remove them from your emails. If not – we will keep the files attached to the email, in addition to the Dropbox link.
This way you have them in both places. By default, we only do this with attachments larger than 250 kilobytes, but you can raise that threshold if you choose. And just to be on the safe side, we put the original email with the attachments into the SaneOldAttachment folder. They will be moved to Trash after 30 days by default, which you can change
Large attachments can be a pain in your email account. They fill up your quota, are hard to find, and take a while to download and forward, especially on mobile devices. Sane Box Email Management Tool fixes this problem by automatically placing your attachments on Dropbox and adding a link to those files in the […]