Thinking of taking a trip to visit a family member? Or maybe taking a road trip to see the Grand Canyon? Need some extra money for the trip but don’t have it? Looking for ways to pay for extra expenses on the way but don’t want to have a complete stranger ride along with you? Now there is an answer to your problems.
Idispatch Online Courier Service help you avoid that crazy person and put money into your pocket. All you do is sign up, post your route, find someone looking to ship a package to your destination, drop it off and get paid.
It’s simple once logged on search for the people who have posted their items online, check the destination it is going to be delivered to, if it’son your way contact them or wait to be contacted, negotiate a price and pick it up!
No need to worry about not getting paid you can check the dependability of the shipper with reviews of his/her previously shipped items. Still worried? You can download legally binding documents from dispatch, sign and ensure your payment.
With our convenient user-friendly phone application you can do all of this while on the road, you can even give permission to the person shipping the item to track the progress of the delivery. Using our free tracking app.
Idispatch Online Courier Service is an online website that allows you to earn money while you are traveling by shipping a package to your destination, drop it off and get paid.
Easy To Use:
Our site is easy to use. Just post your load or list your truck. Then search for a match and you’re done. Our site has a phone application, for your Apple or Android phone, that will let you find a match from anywhere