The last decade has seen a fundamental transformation in the way business operates. It’s no longer enough to offer your customers the anywhere, anytime approach; the new winners offer a seamless customer experience across every channel. And when a consumer has an excellent experience it resets their expectation.
More importantly companies that can deliver an excellent customer experience grow profits and boost their stock price. Which is maybe why in a recent Forrester survey, 76% of CIO’s had ‘integration of selling channels’ in their top 3 priorities
But to deliver a better customer experience, organisations need the capability to analyze data from multiple sources in real time. Because now businesses succeed and excel, based on what they know, not what they do.
This is where new economy firms have a real advantage over companies built over decades, they are data centric, agileorganisations, it’s easier and faster for them to uncover customer trends and act on critical business insights. They make data-driven decisions, in real time offering their customers personalized products and services.
They can do this because data analytics is right at the core of their organisation.More traditional companies try and compete by bolting an analytics capability on to their legacy systems, making it harder for them to compete with new economy firms who use new approaches pioneer by companies like Google and Facebook where petabytes of data are distributed across thousands of machines. This type of architecture represents an entirely new way for companies to store, manage and process data.
Now organisations can analyse all data and they can do it in real time. Data is most valuable when it’s fresh, its value declines over time. Now business users can gain meaningful insight while there is still time to take meaningful action. This fundamentally changes the way businesses operate.Companies without this capability struggle to compete.
Legacy organisations transforming to a data driven organisation require the right technology and tools; the right talent and skills; and the right organisation. Traditional IT departments struggle because partial integration of data analytics significantly limits what can be achieved. Businesses know recruiting the right analytical expertise is now crucial to success for the new generation of data scientist to have:
access to all the data they need immediately.
and to be able to store and process huge quantities of data
And IT organisations want this too. You know radical change is needed.Radical change means a transformation to a data driven environment, where advanced data analytics isn’t a silo, a project on the side, it is integrated into core of IT, and more importantly the business.
This transformation requires structural changes to your organisation. It requires new application architectures, new analytics capabilities, distributed processing capabilities, and new infrastructure.
We know there is no one roadmap to becoming a data driven organisation, each company is unique. Hewlitt Packard Enterprise is the organisation to help you build that roadmap. We’ve done it in the past and we’re doing it right now with large enterprises. Big transformations call for big players who have the breadth, depth and scale required. We understand the challenges you face. Let us help you with your Analytics Transformation.
The last decade has seen a fundamental transformation in the way business operates. It’s no longer enough to offer your customers the anywhere, anytime approach; the new winners offer a seamless customer experience across every channel. And when a consumer has an excellent experience it resets their expectation. More importantly companies that can deliver an […]