Meet, Lucas….
He’s currently studying design at college and is looking forward to working as a designer when he graduates.
At the moment, Lucas is one of the hundreds in his class of up and coming designers and one of millions in the same boat all over the world.
When Lucas graduated with the same formal qualification as his peers, with the same type of portfolio, he quickly found out that getting a job as a designer wasn’t as easy as he imagined.
Competition is high and demand is low. There simply aren’t enough design jobs to fill the rate of students that are coming through the gates.
These graduates are wondering why no one ever told them how hard it is to actually get a job in the design industry… You’re required to have the experience to get a job, but you need a job to get experience.
Sally, on the other hand, who graduated with Lucas, had a design job lined up right away. In fact, Her biggest problem was deciding which of the three job offers she would accept.
Sally knew she needed a proven strategy to stand out, and she did it by reading this book.
‘How to get a job as a designer, guaranteed’ It’s the most effective step-by-step guide for design students and graduates, and is available as a paperback or an ebook on any device…
It’s endorsed by some of the world’s most renowned creative leaders and bridges the gap between education and working in the real world.
In the time it took Lucas to party with friends, Sally learned industry secrets worth years of experience in areas such as portfolio creation, character building, networking and interviews.
This isn’t just Sally’s story. It could be yours too. So dive into the world untold. Live your dream and take your seat that’s waiting for you.
The giant thinker is an online portal for graduates and students who are searching to get a job.