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Kinetic Typography And its Importance In The World Of Digital

If you think of a written word, movement is not a part of its quality. That’s said, there’s a certain irony to the history of those static rows of characters we read daily. And if we look at the dawn of the printing press, moveable type was the name for the individual components slotted into the press to print letters onto a page. The movable type led to books. 

Designs are evolving with time. The moving text became common in intros, credits, and title sequences. When digital technology started to get cheaper, advertisers saw the potential of grabbing people’s attention by shifting, squashing, and moving types around on screens. All digital bulletin boards are on screens today. More recently, moving text or kinetic typography has animated everything from websites to loading screens to entire design systems. Video Animation, particularly kinetic typography, has made the days of the written word being simply static forms on a page truly over.

Here’s more about Kinetic typography and ways to integrate it into your design projects.

What is Kinetic Typography?

Kinetic typography refers to the creation of moving types. It is a technical name for moving text. It is a video animation technique used to make lettering expand, shrink, fly, move in slow motion, grow and change in numerous ways for the user. You will often find them in films, commercials, music videos, and online classes. The effect can be simple and short with only little changes or quite elaborate and lengthy.

Kinetic typography use has almost exploded recently because of more use of the technique in web design. Once only used in video and television, kinetic typography is gaining popularity as a background effect on websites and in web-based videos.

The technique is used for several reasons but can add emphasis to certain content. It can help convey tone and emotion and creates a unique visual where none exists. Consider this an affordable option if you have a limited budget.

Why Is It Important? 

Typography is more than choosing beautiful fonts: it’s a vital component of User Interface Design. It establishes a strong visual hierarchy, provides a graphic balance to the website, and sets the product’s overall tone. Kinetic typography is a dominant tool to keep viewers engaged. Designers make such videos using text effects to emphasize important words or phrases to convey your message. 

85% of videos are viewed without sound, putting text in the spotlight. By incorporating engaging, eye-catching text, you can make sure your message gets across even if there’s no sound to go with it. 

The benefits of using kinetic typography are:

  • Retaining the attention of viewers
  • Informative and effective
  • Highlighting what you want to say
  • Escalating the aesthetics
  • Improve SEO
  • Better Overall Web Experience

When To Use Kinetic Typography

As with all design questions, it does depend. And yes, the least satisfying answer of all, but it’s the right one, nonetheless.

There are some parameters to consider. Designers don’t try to apply all the bells and whistles to every application. Doing so will simply put off visitors, as they won’t understand what you’re trying to convey. Ultimately, typography is all about relaying a message. It’s okay to play with the bounds of your storytelling, but if it becomes too unwieldy, your visitors will confuse. 

There are uses in which kinetic typography has proven to be particularly effective. These uses most relate to tone. Adding movable type to something that would otherwise be static can help achieve this. Best uses for kinetic typography include:

  • Emotional content creation
  • Creating characters
  • Attention-grabbing

When planning for kinetic typography, there are some common patterns of movement and behavior.

  • Slow motion or fast motion
  • Stretching or shrinking
  • Movement in arcs or waves as text moves along curved paths
  • Anticipated action, such a subtle movement before a sharp one
  • Follow through with actions that happen after something else has happened
  • Secondary action when text moves because of something that happens to another element in the frame

Embrace The Video Animation In The Age Of Kinetic Typography

Language is fundamental to communication. However, as with any other design tool, it can also be used as an aesthetic device to further drive home the message in engaging ways. As technology allows more and more people to access the tricks of the trade, the bar continues to rise in the constant battle for gripping people’s imaginations.

The beauty of kinetic type is that there’s a place for it in any project—whether it’s a simple, subtle implementation or something more complex and captivating. So long as it lends support to the overall direction of the project, it will undoubtedly make its mark.

Are you thinking of using video animation, particularly kinetic typography in your marketing strategy? Don’t wait because you might miss a prospect. Consult the expert team of Video Explainer. They design custom kinetic typography videos.

Get your video by Calling us at +1 929 552 3638 or emailing us at [email protected].

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Thanks to the 10 years of experience in working with top-notch clients, we’re familiar with every nook and cranny of the explainer video industry and know how to hit the bull’s eye with our high-quality videos. We specialize in storytelling that helps people understand your cause. Whatever your goal might be, we can efficiently explain it through our wide array of video production services in every niche. You just say the word!

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