Do you want to write for VideoExplainers? You’ve come to the right place. Please read through these guidelines before submitting a piece to our editorial team.
Important note: Our publication queue for how-to articles and opinion pieces is now some four months long; in an effort to reduce that wait, we are compelled to be extremely selective.
If you can’t wait that long, VideoExplainers offers a “Sponsored Article” option: Essentially, the how-to article or opinion piece you sponsor would be published within a couple of weeks; however, it must still meet our editorial guidelines, and it must still be accepted for publication by our editors. Find out more about sponsored articles on VideoExplainers.
We will inform you if your article has been accepted for publication; expect to hear from us within a week or two of our having received your email. If we don’t accept your article, you may or may not hear from us, depending on how crowded our inbox is; if you haven’t followed the above guidelines, you likely won’t hear back.
What we don’t publish: We do not publish press releases (but do look at the ” How to Get Your Research Covered on VideoExplainers,” below).
Forward your infographic to [email protected] , and include “VideoExplainers infographic contribution” in your email subject line.